"All sunshine & sovereign is God, generous in gifts & glory."
Psalm 84:11 The Message

I was overwhelmed this week with God's sunshine & sovereignty in the same place.
Right now, our sweet foster babies are easily God's "sunshine" in my life. {Even on the hard days!} They are immeasurably more than I could have even thought to ask of the Lord. They bring joy and silliness and hope into our home, and for that we are so, so grateful.
But today, as we walk into another week of court, we once again face their past, their story. And when I consider what has allowed them to be in foster care, my heart aches. It is a grief that may come again and again. A grief for them, for their families, for ALL the broken families, for brokenness of the World, for the brokenness that allowed them to be my sunshine.

Recognizing God's sovereignty allows this grief to become worship: Praising Him for His ways that are so much higher than mine. Praising Him for the way He brings sunshine from such dark places. And I'm left wondering where is the line between heaven and Earth. Where does His hand and our World stop or begin?

This is my prayer of praise to God. Our God, who in His sovereignty, brings sunshine from darkness and His glory redeems brokenness to beauty.